Day 11 - Change of Course

By early morning I was having major problems again with sleep dep. Not that that was unexpected since we had reset the adaptation with the day 10 sleep in, but I guess I was hoping it wouldn't be as bad as before.

I suppose we could just tough it out, but I have to go back to work on Monday (I've had the last week off) and I don't think they would appreciate me showing up with severe narcolepsy, so I decided to switch to Everyman with a 1.5 hour core. I'm hoping that since we were so close to uberman adaptation the addition of ANY core sleep will seem like unbounded luxury.

The addition of a 1.5 hour core at 7am today removed all of the sleep dep symptoms for me and I felt pretty good all day. It was a bear to wake up from though, I'll have to work on the timing there I think... The ongoing plan is to put the core at 11pm-12:30pm.

Alex was originally going to continue on with the uberman schedule, but he started having trouble later today and fell asleep a couple of times. Enough to throw his adaptation to the wind probably, so he will be joining me on the new schedule.

I haven't seen too many accounts of people doing Everyman 1.5, so this will be interesting. We will maintain all 5 of the other naps for the time being so it really isn't too much of a change in schedule for us, just an extension of one nap. If we get to a point where we are comfortable dropping one of the daytime naps there really won't be much difference in waking time from uberman.

We will try to do this through the end of the month before we modify anything though. If we get non-functional we'll extend to Everyman 3, but I would like make a best effort on this one.

Serious respect to ANYONE who is able to pull off uberman...

Copyright © 2009 Matt Brandt, all rights reserved.