Day Seven

Hey, no sleep deprived low points during the night. The worst I felt was about how you would normally feel if you had been up 24 hours, a little tired and sleepy, but not that knocked out single digit IQ feeling of the past couple of nights.

I was able to concentrate pretty well, in general. The biggest obstacle is dry eyes. I'm going to get some different eye drops today and see if that helps.

Alex was alert all night as well. I guess that means we have both made it through the roughest part of the transition. I'm sure there will be more challenges, but steady improvement in alertness levels and cognitive ability should be the order of the day.

I can't imagine how anyone can make it through the transition without a buddy. You really need someone to provide a sanity check and watch to make sure you don't nod off. There is no way either of us would have made it this far without the other.

As it is we have a nearly perfect execution of the schedule so far. Alex had one crash of about 15 minutes where I found him asleep on the floor and I had a couple of moments nodding off on the couch that couldn't have totaled more than a few minutes. No missed naps, no oversleeps, and now it's paying off..

Copyright © 2009 Matt Brandt, all rights reserved.