Day Zero

Alex and I start the adaptation tomorrow.  My work schedule allows me enough flexibility to believe the nap schedule won't be an issue. In general I can just shut my office door for 20 minutes during the day and I'm unlikely to be disturbed. To the rest of the company it will be no different from when I have a long phone call that needs freedom from interruption.

Wednesday will be day one. We will be doing the uberman schedule which consists of 6 naps of 20 minutes each evenly spaced. My son, Alex, is going to do this with me and I think having a partner will be a great help. Alex is 19. I don't think I would recommend this for someone much younger. Still, his energy will be needed at times.

Thursday will be my last day of work before July 4th and I've taken the next week off to allow time for the adaptation. I should be fully adapted by the time I need to go back to work. Thursday will only have one night of napping, so the effects shouldn't be too onerous.

As a precursor I decided to try to do all the naps today even though I plan to sleep a normal night tonight. Mostly a habit forming exercise, I didn't really expect much. As it turned out I was able to sleep during the 11am and 3pm naps, but not at 7pm.

I took a swim (2250 yd) after work at 6:00 so the 7pm nap was about 10 minutes late.

Copyright © 2009 Matt Brandt, all rights reserved.